Friday, February 11, 2011

Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj Biography


Biography:Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj

Portrayal of the biography of a Saint is a formidable venture. I shudder to embark upon such an arduous task, particularly when it relates to a Saint of the zenith order viz. His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj. I perfectly realize that I am unequal to the task, being bound by my innate limitations. Nonetheless, I feel compelled by some force from within, that I should make a humble contribution for the enrichment of joy of myriads of disciples and devotees of Guru Maharaj who yearn to hear more and more about Him. I prostrate at His Lotus Feet and pray to shower His Grace out of pity and compassion for me in order to make my endeavor a success.

His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj is the personification of “Sadguru Tathwa” as defined in Guru Geetha by Maheswara. He is verily the incarnation of Sri Kalyana Swamy Maharaj, the most beloved disciple of Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Samartha Ramadasa Swamy, the founder of ‘Samartha Sampradaya’. Great men acclaim Sri Samartha Ramadasa as an apostle sent on earth to bring about renaissance of ‘Sanathana Dharma’ which was on the wane, through the regal medium of Sri Chatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj. Sri Ramadasa Swamy is Lord Hanuman Himself. Maruthi descended in Kaliyuga in that personality to rejuvenate the spiritual perspective of life in the humanity at large.

The Guruji whose memoir is the subject of this book viz. Sri Sri Sri Samartha Narayana Maharaj is the eleventh in the sacred lineage of Acharyas of ‘ Guru Parampara ‘ of the renowned Sampradaya popularly hailed as the Samartha Sampradaya referred to supra. His Swaroop is beyond one’s comprehension. His ways are mysterious.

There is nothing in the universe made up of the five elements to be compared with ‘Sadguru’ whose supremacy is par excellence. Sri Sadguru Samartha Maharaj squarely answers the description of Sadguru Tathwa as extolled thus in Guru Geetha verses.

“Brahmanandam Parama Sukhadam Kevalam Gnana Moorthim Dwandwa theetham Gagana Sadrusam Tatwamasayadi Lakshyam Ekam Nithyam Vimalamachalam Sarvadhee Sakshi Bhutam Bhavatheetham Triguna Rahitham Sadgurum Tam Namami.”

Sri Guru Maharaj is Maharudra, adoring as he does, the aforesaid Samartha Sampradaya the founder whereof is Samartha Ramadasa Swamy, the incarnation of Maruthi who is Maharudra Avathar is ‘Dasa Janodharana’ or emancipation from the snares of illusion, of the souls of those who unreservedly surrender to him.

He is not confined by limitations of space, the very ‘Brahmanda’ as a whole being his abode. He is omnipresent. He belongs to ‘Udasa pantha’ the path of absolute renunciation or detachment from mundane affiliations which is the quintessence of Vedantha for he can sift the truth from the myth like a royal swan discerning the water from milk “Udasinatha thathwatha sara ahe” _ Manachi Slok _57. None can fathom the depth of his inner self, by any extraneous means or gestures. His ‘Mudra’ being ‘Alakshya’ forbidding dualty. He dwells in ‘Brahaman’ in utter identification with the cosmos, seated as it were in ‘Sidhasana’. His pursuits are untrodden and unintelligible because of his perspective unique in character and in accord with ‘Shat darshanas’ (Nyaya Vyseshika, Sankhya, Yogs, Meemamsa and Vedantha) constituting the medium for unraveling the spirit of the scriptures (Vedas). In other words, none can comprehend the mystery of his mission, imperceptible and unimaginable. Because of the absolute State of  ‘Atma Nivedan’. He is Paramathman in Eternity! He is ‘Vimala Brahma’ since all barriers of Dwaitha are broken asunder in effulgence of His vision. He is Sadguru, the elevator. He is ‘Samartha’ the series of titles or appellations which are inherent attributes of Guru Maharaj found in the ennobling expression of commendation which runs thus.

“ Jai Maharudra Dasa Janodhara Brahmanda mata, Udasa Pantha, Alakshya Mudra, Sidhasana, Shatdarshana Nimitha gumani pantha chalile, Atma Nivedana, Vimala Brahma, Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj Ki Jai ”.

The following sloka gives a glimpse into this thatwa.

“ Shruthi Nyaya Meemamsake Tharka Sastre
Smruthi Veda Vedantha Vakya Vichitre
Mana Sarva Janeeva Sanduni Rahe ”

Can any one on earth describe or praise Sadguru in a befitting manner. A strict “NO” is the exact answer for the question. No greater a Saint than Sri Samartha Ramadasa swamy declared in His Grandharaj Dasabodh, in unequivocal items, that the only way in which we can extol the Guru is to express without reservations that justice can not be done in this behalf except by admitting our incapacity or incompetence.

Saints cannot be judged by mundane measures or standards; nor can they be understood by human intellect. They live in a realm to which we cannot gain access with all our worldly attachments and egoistic assumptions. Saints also do live amidst us but we fail to recognize or identify them. For all external appearances they look like ordinary human beings whose physical form they too have adopted; nay very often, far less in prominence than human beings in advancement in the way of life as we conceive it. For lack of the right perspective, we can never gauge their inward stature. They are ‘jeevan Mukthas’. The purpose of their existence is to elevate the mankind from the bondage to which it has succumbed or to uplift them from the mire of illusion. They have their own modus operandi to make their task an accomplished fact.

Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj is an Avathar of stupendous significance in the history of times. The purpose of this Avathar and its bearing on the need of the times can not be adequately explained. Every inch of land on which He treaded was hallowed by His advent. He was vested as it were, with powers carte blanche in order to fulfill Hie Mission of moulding the masses to sublimation and elating the mankind to spiritual heights. He traveled through the length and breadth of the country like a ‘Jangama Kshetra’ or a holy place of veneration mobile in character, to be within the easy reach of a devout and deserving aspirant for eternal bliss.

Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Samartha Ramadasa Swamy is undoubtedly Maruthi incarnate as already indicated. When there was in  Bharatha Varsh, a deplorable set back for the glory of righteousness or Dharma enjoined by the scriptures and when there were inroads into the very edifice of the Arsha culture, Maruthi manifested in that Avatar, Maruthi is eternal(Chiranjeevi) like His Lord Rama. His manifestation occurs invariably in all the Yugas, having for its object the transmission of the power of Rama nama in the entire universe as a measure of expediency. As the Legend Ramayana reveals Bharath Maharaj, the younger brother of Sri Rama Chandra Prabhu shot an aroow in ‘Thretha Yuga’ at Hanuman who was flying rapidly with the Holy Mountain ‘Sanjeevani’ to the place where Sri Lakshmana Swamy had sunk into trance during the warfare in Lanka, under a misapprehension that He(Hanuman) was an enemy. Although he realized his folly very soon after Hanuman fell down alongwith with the mountain and immediately and dispatched the mountain together with Hanuman at greater.speed by releasing another arrow from his quiver, He very much repented for having unwittingly caused insult to Hanuman and resolved in mind to serve Him as a menial in order to purge himself of the sin he perpetrated. Purusnat to the vow so pledged, Bharatha availed the opportunity of the advent of Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy on earth and took Avathar to become his disciple.

An incident which saddens our hearts occurred towards the end of His Avathar. Sri Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy disappeared from the sence at a time when He the Sishya, Kalyan who would not otherwise, as He felt, allow the Guruji to leave the mortal coil in that manner. Coming to know of the Niryana of Guru Maharaj, Sri Kalyan Swamy bade the remains of the physical body of the Guru to be preserved securely until he himself had fulfilled the task assigned to him in this world, such that his own ashes also be later joined with hose remains of the Guru for immersion in the holy Sarayu_Ganga. Some of the sishyas who were ignorant of however hastened to carry the remains of Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy to the river Ganges even when Kalyan was alive. This news proved far-reaching in deed. Sri Kalyan Swamy was very much perplexed over this sudden and unforeseen turn of events and was caught in bewilderment. There was immediately a revelation in his mind that the sankalpa of His Guru was otherwise. Consequently He surrounded the physical body instantaneously and unmindful of his unfulfilled assignment such that his original intention was carried into effect. It is to fulfill such unfulfilled assignment that He appeared on the scene once again in the Avathar of our Gurudev (Samartha Narayana Maharaj) and resumed service as disciple to His Guru who by then had incarnated as Sri Brahma Chaitanya Maharaj. Samartha Narayana Maharaj is thus undoubtedly the incarnation of Sri Kalyana Swamy Maharaj as the followers of Samartha Sampradaya have every reason to believe. The words “Avathara ghe seethu Kalyan Swamy” in which the Guruji is extolled in the Harathi Song sund everyday by sishyas are richly pregnant with this meaning. One more pointer to this truism is found in the significant circumstance that  on the very day of Ashada Suddha Trayodasi according to the Hindu calendar on which Sri Kalyan Swamy laid down his mortal coil, our Master Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj also attained Rama Ikya in the year 1990 corresponding to Pramodutha Namr Samvatsara. The avatara karyakrama of our Guruji is unfathomable and incomprehensible.



Samartha Guruparampara or the lineage of Acharyas in the Samartha Sampradaya can be traced back to antiquity as expounded in the famous anthem.

Adi Narayanam Vishnum Brahmanancha Vasishtakam
Sri Ramam Maruthim Vande Sri Ramadasam Jagadgurum.

It is therefore clear that the lineage originated with Lord Vishnu who is Adi Narayana (the all-prevading Paramatman or the cosmic soul), the saguna form of the Nirguna Tatwa. The creator brahma who is the propounder of the scriptures (Vedas) is the next in the order. The third in the lineage is Brahmarshi Vasishta, the repository of knowledge (Gnana). Sri Rama, the embodiment of Dharma in Thretha Yuga occupies the place next after Vasishta. Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy, an incarnate form of Maruthi who took direct initiation from Bhagawan Sri Rama comes fifth in the holy order. The manifestation of Sri Anjaneya invariably in all the Yugas has for its object, the expediency of transmission of the power of Rama Nama in the universe as explained already. The following stanza from ‘Bhaishyothara Purana’ bears eloquent testimony for this belief as also for the factum of incarnation of Maruthi as Sri Ramadasa Swamy in Kaliyuga.

Sri Kalyana Swamy Maharaj to whom reference is made in the prelude adorns the sixth place in the order of the descent. Sri Bala Krishna Maharaj takes the Seventh place. Sri Chintamani Maharaj is counted next after Him as the eighth in the Paramapara. Thukaram Maharaj or Thuka mayi as He is reverently called is the ninth in succession. Sri Brahma Chaitanaya Maharaj comes on the scene in the adorable tenth position. Our beloved Guru, Sri Sadguru Samartha Narayana Maharaj is the eleventh in this lustrous galaxy.

Sri  Sadguru Narayana Maharaj is Sri Kalyana Swamy himself who is the sixth in the lineage as aforementioned. The Samartha Guru Parampara is a nomenclature which it acquired in Kaliyuga after the advent of Sri Ramadasa Swamy who was awarded the title “SAMARTHA”      by Lord Dattatreya in recognition of His supreme powers and irresistible capacities.

Sri Kalayana Swamy was beloved disciple of Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy. He unreservedly surrendered himself to the Guru. Sri Bharatha, the beloved brother of Rama took the avathar of Sri Kalayana Swamy Maharaj, out of volition for rendering service to Lord Hanuman appearing in the form of Samartha Ramadasa Swamy as pointed out in the Usmanabad District of Maharashtra. Mahurgad in Nanded District is the holy place where Sri Bala Krishna Maharaj lived and shed His mortal coil. Sri Chintamani Guru Maharaj took up Samadhi in Umerkar of Nanded District. “Elagau” of the same district near Paitan (the seat of Eknath Maharaj) is the place where the sacred Samadhi of Sri Tukaram Maharaj is found. In His conviction Lord Rama is the only Purusha in the entire creation and all other living beings are feminine in sex. He clad himself accordingly as woman always. ‘Gondavali’ on the banks of Managanga in the district of Satara is the place of veneration where Sri Brahma Chaitanya Maharaj lived and guided the devotees and ultimately choose to lay His body in rest in Maha Samadhi. Sri Samartha Narayana Maharaj who is the eleventh in the celebrated Guru Paramapara as aforementioned was born in Devanahalli (meaning hamlet of Gods) near Bangalore. How befitting is the name of the place where the Godly personality took his birth! His Samadhi is found in Harihara of the erstwhile Chitradurga District or the present Davanagere District in the State of Karnataka.



The region of Karnataka is no less holy than Maharashtra, the land which has given birth to a catena of Saints. Devanahalli is a sacred place even as its name signifies; situate about 30 KMs away from Bangalore to its north. It is a small hamlet in Kolar District of Karnataka known for its spiritual fervor. It is a mystery how so appropriately was this place named as such with foresight so accurate that indeed the God (the embodiment of divinity) Himself chose ot descend down in this hamlet called Devanahalli which means the village of God. That God is verily our Gurudev, Sri Samartha Narayana Maharaj, and the Hero of this treatise.

Our Guru Maharaj hails form a renowned family of scholars (Shastri Vamsha) famour for erudition in the ancient scriptures. Sri Ugrappa Shastriji was His ancestor who had settled down in Devanahalli.

On festive occasions the Shastriji and hiw wife Seethamma who were of a charitable disposition used to distribute dhotis and sarees to the inmates of all the houses in the village where they lived. They rendered financial assistance and all possible service to anybody who sought for succour. They were kind to the poor, ready always to come to their rescue in their problems.  The free feeding or the ‘Annadan’ was a never-ending feature at their residence. The worship of the cow or “Goseva” was also a very prominent and unique trait of their family.

The family Deity of Ugrappa Sastriji was Lord Narasimha. In fact, the Sastriji was named after that Lord. Although his name would signify or suggest an air of horror (Ugra bhava), his heart was soft like butter and tempered with mercy. In spite of all ennobling qualities which made up the personality of the couple, there was however a lurking discontentment in their minds for they were not blessed with children. The Lord Narasimha inspired them in a dream to adopt a boy for perpetuating the pedigree of the family. One boy by name Baburao was therefore taken in adoption according to the religious rites and customs prevalent in the Brahmin community. The burning problem of the pious spouses was thus given a quietus by the command of the Lord. The boy Babu rao renamed as Narasimha Sastry in the adoptive family. In the course of time,  Babu rao alias Narasimha Sastry was also got married. The bride ‘Yagnamma’ was quite a good match for him. She possessed all the good qualities of a noble ‘Dharama Pathni’ of antique tradition. Ere long, Ugrappa Sastry was blessed with a grand son who was named Ashwartha Narayana Sastry. The long cherished desire of Ugrappa Sastry and Seethammma was thus fulfilled and their joy knew no bounds. It did not take a long time thereafter for Seethamma to make an exit from the world. With her departure  did the mundane glory of the family also disappear.

Yagnamma begot a second son. Shortly after the birth of this child Ugrappa breathed his lost. To commemorate the name of the grand father, the child was fondly called ‘Ugrappa’ by his parents. The entire burden of the family was now cast on the shoulders of Narasimha Sastry who was by then in the thick of indigence, knowing not how to steer clear of the impending problems, the growing family was beset with. His wife Yagbamma delivered a third child who was given the name ‘Ahobala Sastry’. This boy when he came of age, became devoted to the sun god or a ‘Suryopasaka’. The fourth issue was again a male child, Subba Sastry carried the surname ‘Alur’, Subba Sastry because of the trait which he acquitted by accepting gifts of cows and affording maintenance and protection for them as explained infra in greater detail.

Of the four sons of babu rao alias narasimha sastry, the first and the second of them, Aswartha Narayana Sastry and Ugrappa Sastry respectively had their schooling to a certain extent.The third and the fourth,Ahobala Sastry and Subba Sastry took to vedadhyana or study of scriptures right from their boyhood. They became proficient to in that direction. The first two sons Aswartha Narayana Sastry and Ugrappa sastry also got married in course of time and they left the ancestral
Family with spouses having secured some employments has ostensibl means of living

Subba Sastry’s career was awe-inspiring he was a learned man but at the same time of a pious and polite disposition. Simplicity was his virtue. Having fully realized that all doer-ship in the world was to be ascribed or attributed only to Rama, he felt he had no reason to be proud either of his erudition or of other achievements. He was totally of the conviction that a human being or any living being in the universe for that matter was but an instrument in the hands of the almighty who was its commander. The cloud of poverty encircled the family but he was not moved by such a turn of events. The tradition of the family built up by his father and grand father was so high and surpassing that notwithstanding any such adverse circumstance, many people came forward to offer a bride to him but as God had ordained his marriage was ultimately fixed with one, Lakshmamma, daughter of Peshkar Surappa. Their wedding very soon became an accomplished fact. Lakshmamma was a noble lady. She proved a befitting life partner to Subba Sastry. She hailed from an orthodox family. Subba Sastry too was obviously a person who had great regard for holy tenets and the age-honoured doctrines of Sanathana Dharma. Their union in this background proved indeed a model for emulation for others. Subba Sastry had immense regard and love for cows which he considered ad embodiments of divinity. Subba Sastry was pulling on the family against odds. Inspite of best of his efforts, it became onerous for him to make both ends meet. He found himself in deed in a miserable plight but all said and done, he did not swerve an inch from the righteous path he chose to follow.

Subba Sastry and Lakshmamma begot a male child in the first instance and the boy was named Narasimha Sastry. The next issue, a female child, was born two years later. This child was given the name Subhadramma.

Lakshmamma conceived again and in course of time delivered another male child whom the parents named as Ahobala Sastry . In later days he came to be called by the pet name “Narayana” and His Guru Sri Brahma Chaitanya Maharaj duly awarded him the title “Samartha” as explained below in the relevant context.

During her pregnancy, Lakshamma felt elated to a remarkable height in the spiritual plane, perhaps by reason of the mysterious Chile whom she conceived. She was unceasingly repeating Rama Nama at that time. She was unmindful of any other topic. She was indifferent to the family affairs. If was her husband that went out for alms and also cooked food after returning home. It was he that served food her and the children. By intuition, it later struck Sasrtiji’s mind that a holy personage was in the offing to be delivered by his wife. Very soon, the sentiment came true. “In the year 1900, our Guru Maharaj was born in Devanahalli”.

Once other son and other daughter named respectively Rama Sastry and Soorammma were also subsequently born to Subba Sastry and Lakshmamma but they died prematurely. There incidents had a telling effect on the mind of the mother who took to vyragya and turned an Avadhoot.

Ahobala himself was a child different from other children in every respect. He appeared strangely to be in deep introspection when he was left alone. At other times he was all in smiles as if he was decrying the mockery of the mundane allurements.

Maintenance of the family became a great problem in that Subba Sastry’s financial condition had deteriorated to the lowest ebb. Fortune which once dawned on the summits in the family sunk to unfathomable depths. The equanimity of the sage-like Subba Sastry was nonetheless not disturbed. As days rolled by, he became constrained to sell away the only ancestral house and the small bit of land which he had for meager consideration in which again his kinsmen claimed shares. With what little he got for his lot, he left Devanahalli and migrated to Banagalore with family. The Kapila cow was now all his assets.

Once it so happened that he was put to a great test by the Lord whom he worshipped. He was driven to distress for he could not secure anything for feeding the cows in spite of his best of efforts. It was feared that the cows might die of starvation. With troubled mind he approached one Naidu who was a petty employee and a familiar person for help. Naidu who had no children offered to help him if the latter was prepared to sell the lovely child Ahobala to him. Subba Sastry hastened to give consent in order to save the cows from an impending tragedy. A sum of three rupees was stipulated  as the price for the child. For this pittance got by him, Subba Sastry exchanged the child and got immediate riddance of the burning problem. When Ahobala was taken to the house of the vendee Naidu, his wife rejoiced on the first impulse and had severely erred in purchasing the kid of a pious Brahmin of higher caste which she felt was inauspicious for their family. She requested the husband to run to the Brahmin’s by way of declined to take him back. It was after great persuation by Naidu and several others that he ultimately yielded to accept the boy. God’s ways are mysterious! In comprehensible is His leela! This incident took place in 1905. In the following year Naidu and his wife were blessed amazingly with a child. Their sacrifice was in this manner richly rewarded! The couple felt that god himself had entered their house for a while in the form of the boy Ahobala to confer a favour out of compassion and the whole incident was but a blessing in disguise. Subba Sastry who by intuition had already conjectured during the conception of this child by his wife that a great godly child was in the offing had every reason to get confirmed in his view by this episode.

At Bangalore Subba Sastry had a good number of relations the rich and poor. There were also officials in that circle who were unfortunately not officious. Most of them felt it an infradig to entertain Sastry or any of his family members at a meal in their house. They felt it miserable to publicize that their own relative Sastriji had adopted “Bikshatana” as his means of living. They also looked down upon Sastriji as unequal to their assumed status in society. Sastriji was himself however above approbation or reprobation. Commendation and condemnation weighed equally in his scales. Subba Sastry’s health was gradually waning. He took the earliest opportunity to take the two sons, Narasimha Sastry and Ahobala Sastry through the Upanayana Samaskar as perhaps he foresaw his own end in proximity. His foresight proved true in fact. Lakashmamma took not much time to follow the husband. The two boys were rendered practically destitute. Poverty-stricken as they were, they found themselves at sea, not knowing how even to perform the obsequies of the parents enjoined by pundits. At the two different stages of rituals relating to their parents help poured in miraculously from different sources and the boys successfully discharged their filial obligations.

By then Ahobala Sastry was of six years of age and his elder brother Narasimha Sastry was about ten years old. None of the two had evidently any schooling. They had no means to sustain them and their subsistence became a question mark. They depended solely on the mercy of God revealing through the kind-hearted, for food, raiment and shelter. Whenever they approached their relations in despair, they would not allow the boys inside the house. Where ever they went, they faced ignominy. They were however not disturbed in mind as they were blessed with equanimity, a virtue which is uncommon. They were of the firm conviction that the almighty was sole mentor and he alone was to guide the destinies of all the subjects.

Narasimha Sastry was a ‘viragi’. On one fine day, he abjured the family in the real sense of an ascetic. He wandered from place to place. Like an Ajagara ( a huge serpent) he ate food if anybody offered. Otherwise he starved. He never bothered about any comfort. He rested under trees. He covered any distance by walk. Gradually he became an Avadhoot revered by one and all by the name “Gajanan Maharaj”. Nobody knew where he came from and who he was. His where about could not traced even by people known to him at Devanahalli or Bangalore.

Ahobala Sastry was by no means an entity caught in the snares of ‘Maya’. By and large, he belonged to a very high plane of spiritualism. Bewildered however at the sudden predicament which developed in the family, he knelt before the God Basava enshrined in the temple which afforded shelter for the family for a pretty long time and exclaimed why misery pervaded the family which once enjoyed unbeatable pomp and glory. He was immediately taken by surprise at the voice of the unseen (Ashareeravani) which emerged thus “Ahobala! Why do you come under the sway of vikalpa having already realized how the God fulfills himself? Submit and surrender to Rama. Know who are and the purpose for which you are sent on earth. Do not get lost in misery and allow the mind to be shrouded by illusion”. Ahobala was shocked at this. Aghast by the message from an unknown source, the boy Ahobala went for a while into a trance from which until a considerable time, he could not return to normalcy. It appeared immediately that a new vision opened up in his mind’s eye and he started looking at the world from a strange and different perspective. It looked as if he recapitulated who he was and why he incarnated himself. There was a ray of smile on his face and a breeze of peace in his mind. All the latent faculties in his power became mysteriously patent. He realized that he was the old ‘Kalyan’ himself, the beloved disciple of Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy, reborn with a definite purpose- “Avathara Gheseethu Kalyana Swamy”! all occult powers were then at his beck and call. He could transform a stone into sugar and convert a serpent into a garland of flowers. He could fly with the winds and descend down on his volition. He could disappear into thin air and reappear in flesh. He could become weighty like a boulder and appear again lighter than a flower.

It may be mentioned in this confext that Subhadramma who was generally called as “Akkayya” (that is how Ahobala also used to address her) spent a considerable period of married life and the husband having became an ascetic, adopted for herself a way of life becoming of a true Sanyasin. She was visiting all the places where Guruji conducted Rama Saptahas and Yagnas after he completed his Sadhana and started Loka Sangraha. In her last days she stayed at Proddatur in the premises of Samartha Sangha which was founded by the Guruji in the year 1942.

As explained above, Ahobala’s parents left for the abode of the God. His elder sister who was also thoroughly of a spiritual disposition became a sanyasin. His elder brother Narasimha Sastry went out like an “Avadhoot”. His younger brother and younger sister left their mortal coil prematurely. The worldly tie for him with the near and the dear was in this way totally cut out automatically. Ahobala was now freed from all fetters, physically and mentally. Hitherto there was an apparent burden cast on him to care for the sustenance of the elder brother who had turned an introvert even before he became an Avadhoot and the elder sister who needed his assistance but now that he is absolved of every such responsibility, he became  free to move out and the movement which he campaigned thus took one step forward in the world.

As a boy of eleven years, he moved from place to place, propagating Rama Nama wherever he went. “Jago Jagee Rama Nama bodha vooni”. He would congregate people and conduct Rama Sapthahas whereat for a continuous periodof seven days, day and night, Rama Bhajan in an unceasing manner would be performed by everybody. During that period the entire atmosphere gets surcharged with divine fervour. ‘Annadan’ or feeding the people is a regular feature concomitant with the celebration of such events. Everybody used to wonder and rejoice as the boy danced in attunement to the Bhajan or Nama ghosha and went into ecstasy sometimes. Ahobala Sastry during those days did some spiritual sadhanas or exercises in Viduraswartham, a sacred place near Hindupure. His stay was exclusively on the branches of trees which were in multiples in close groups. There were very many monkeys playing around and staying in his company. Those monkeys used to collect food and feed the boy every day. From one tree to another the saintly boy too would jump like his friends. Now and then he would sit up in meditation. His exterior conduct was replete with the characteristics of a monkey, recalling Lord Hanuman’s image to the memory of those who had the good fortune to witness the phenomenon. At another stage of his sojourn, he seldom set his feet on the ground, preferring always to be carried from one place to another on the back of the boys of his age. He would play the role of a guide always, keeping the prospect of their fruitful career in mind. He was fond of swimming. He would also exhibit several acrobatics in the art and dive down and become invisible from the surface of the waters nay keep himself at the bottom of the well for hours together. He visited many places including small hamlets in his sojourns. Once he visited a village Malugur near Hindupur and performed a Rama Saptaha. Two brothers by names Gurumurthy and Chayappa who are now no more and who had the good fortune of coming into contact with him at that time had been narrating with awe and reverence till very recently, all the miracles which Ahobala performed in his boyhood.

Sometimes the boy Ahobala would suddenly disappear at one place and appear at quite another distant place. Now and then, he chose to escape into a forest in order to prevent the hovering of the people after him.

The purpose of His avathar was clear in Ahobala’s vision. He was only making headway towards the ordained goal.



The Avathar of Ahobala Sastry had a definite background as emphasized already. It may be recalled that he is the reincarnation of Sri Kalyana Swamy, the most beloved and celebrated disciple of Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Samartha Ramadasa Swamy, the founder of Samartha Sampraday referred to in a former context. Kalyana Swamy was a repository of the grace of Guru and a Jeevan Muktha. In this Avatar, he needed in fact no Guru for himself. But the great men are always keen on setting the best of examples for the common folk to follow in order to lead them along a sure and a safe track even as the author of the Geetha has propounded. Ahobala therefore intended to take refuge under a competent Master (Guru), the power house of energy and an expert navigator to steer clear the ocean illusion. He left no stone unturned to find his Guru and surrender. Ahobala undertook an extensive tour from Ramaeswaram to Himalayas to trace his Guru. When one incessantly yearns for the grace of the Lord, like a suckling trying to rush to the udder of the cow, the Guru himself attracts him to his fold. In this pursuit when the defacto disciple was once at Sajjangadh (the place of Sri Sri Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy) in 1911. Sri Brahmanand Swamy who is very much heard of in the Sampradaya had occasion to meet him. The Swamy having witnessed Ahobala and understood his zeal, took him along with him to his Guru, Sri Sri Sri Brahmachaitanya Maharaj who was in Gondavali Badruk, a village on the banks of the holy river, Mana Ganga. No sooner had Ahobala fallen at the feet of the Guru, than the Guru hugged him up to his bosom, exclaiming “oh my child! How eagerly have I been craving to see you”. The import of these words isreally significar. It  was a thrilling experience not only for Ahobala but also to the Master and the onlookers. Ahobala was eleven years of age at that point of time. The Guru and the Sishya identified each other and lost themselves in ecstasy. Their union struck an epoch for loka sangraha or benediction of the human race at large. Very lovingly the Guru addressed the Sishya instantaneously as ‘Hanuman’. Some times he also used to call him Narayana.

Guru seva or service to Guru is identical with sadhana of the highest degree in the spiritual pursuit.

Guru Maharaj on one occasion took several of his disciples including Hanuman to Rameswaram on pilgrimage. After pending some time in many places in the company of his old sishyas while, returning to Gondavali. He took a sojourn in Ramnad of Madhura District. The sishyas then made preparation to proceed further at the bidding of the Guru Maharaj. Maharaj bade some sishyas to go to the railway station beforehand telling them that he would come along with the disciples who hosted them and join at that point. What was passing in the mind of the Guru, nobody knew. He asked Hanuman also to go in advance and await him at the railway station. Hanuman and party waited for a long time for the arrival of the Guru but in the meanwhile the train itself arrived. After some passengers alighted, the tat the rain started moving forward. Hanuman feared that the programme fixed by the Guru was being impaired in the process. As sishya he felt that such an impediment for the Guru Sankalpa could not be allowed to take place. No sooner did such a thought occur to his mind than he lifted his hand involuntarily as if to cry halt for the movement of the train and lo! The train came with a cracking sound to a standstill. Neither the driver now the passengers in the train were able to account for this sudden and amazing phenomenon. Even the other co-disciples of Hanuman were perplexed over the incident. Maharaj was by then on the scene and it became evident for everyone that Hanuman performed a miracle. Sri Brahma Chaitanya Maharaj exhibited feigned anger and frowned at him.

Evidently he was himself the creator of this situation, having purposely chosen to come belated to the railway station. He availed the opportunity which he invented and reprimanded the Sishya “You can not waste your energy and abuse the occult powers in this way. It matters little if the train proceeds and we are stranded. We can catch the next train or go by foot or think of an alternative. You have displeased me very much and as a consequence you have to go away from me for good and mind you job”. These words of Guru Maharaj were ironical. They carried great import. The admonition was significant and suggestive of his own physical depature from the world which indeed followed closely. The words “mind your job” were meant to appraise the beloved sishya of his command to take forward the mission assigned to him. At this turn of events Hanuman felt extremely miserable for a while but very soon resumed wisdom. He thought that three could be definitely no disobedience of the injunctions of the Master at any cost. Having so realized he fell upon the lotus feet of Guru Maharaj and shed tears. He prayed for permission to leave the Guru Sannidhi and solicited blessings to guide him on the righteous path always. More painful was this event to the Guru than to the Sishya himself. The Guruji extended his hand and fondly touched the head of the sishya. There was ‘Shakthi Patha’ contemporaneously on to the sishya from the fountain-head of the Guru’s grace. Simultaneously the Guru awarded the title “SAMARTHA” to his beloved sishya. The long cherished ambition of Guru Maharaj to make the Sishya embark upon the mission which he was destined to carry even before He (Guru Maharaj) laid down his mortal coil became thus a fruitful affair.

The ways of saints or men of divinity are always different from those of the worldly persons. They fulfill their objects by mysterious means whose import is beyond our comprehension. They invent a pretext for executing their intentions which might sometimes appear seemingly unreasonable to our minds. Their actions and their utterances are always pregnant with a purpose whose revelation is possible only when viewed with a super perspective.

With that end in view Hanuman traveled a long distance visiting many a holy place on the way and trying to pitch upon covetable piece of land for his sadhana. In the process, he happened to cross Halasur in Yelahanka taluk of Karnataka where he was hosted by one Nagesha rayudu and his wife Rajamma. The couple was deeply drowned in grief since their only son Narayana by name had died. To them, Hanuman and could overcome their own son Narayana. They embraced Hanuman and could overcome their grief for a while. Hanuman consoled them compassionately and asked them to consider him as their own son and be happy. He also stayed with them for a few days. During that period he endeared himself to the bereaved couple and everyone who came to see him and was lovingly called, “Narayana Narayana”. His name as Narayana thus became popular. In later days when he appeared to the world as Jagadguru, he came to be addressed as Narayana Maharaj. After the title “Samartha” awarded by Sri Brahma Chaitanya Maharaj was affirmed by Lord Dattatreya Hanuman was hailed by the name “Samartha Narayana Maharaj”.



Just as a magnificent edifice has to have a strong foundation at the ground level, so does any spiritual faith or order need a firm? Sampradaya or tradition for its moorings. Such a tradition should stand the test of unison of Guru Vakya (the word of the Master), Sasthra Sammathi (the sanction of the scriptures) and Atma Pratheethi (experience which is one’s own) in furtherance of pursuit of Paramartha. Sri Samartha Ramadasa Swamy being ordained by His Guru, Sri Rama built up a “Vishista Sampradaya” on characteristic lines of its own for emancipation of the humanity at large and it came to be widely recognized as Samartha Sampraday after him. It is unique in its character and influence.

How a sadhaka should conduct himself in order to become entitled to and to invoke his grace is explained in Dasabodh. In the background of these fundamental principles among other salient tenet constituting Samartha Sampradaya, our Guru Maharaj set out to carry on his mission of elevating the mankind and resurrecting the Dharma. It is worth nothing in this context that he was directing his disciples to undertake ‘Parayana’ of this scared book as part of ‘Paramatha Sadhana’. His holiness Sainath Maharaj of Shiridi also used to recommend Dasabodh as a safe guide for the sadhakas to hold in hand.

In furtherance of his Avathar Karyakrama, Guruji left no stone unturned. He visited very many places in the country, starting from Kanyakumari to Himalayas and came into contact with all sections of people regardless of caste, creed and religion. He had a yardstick of his own to categorize human beings on the hypothesis of their spiritual stature, into the four sections referred to supra viz. Baddha, Mumukshu, Sadhaka and Siddha. He imparted appropriate instruction to them on the basis of such classification.

Wherever he went, he gathered people and conducted bhajans. Occasionally he exercised occult powers to a limited extent in order to infuse faith in Rama Nama and turn people to the path of devotion. He used to convene rama Sapthahas as the best means for the purpose of propagating Rama Nama, wherever it was feasible. Sapthaha is an event whereat people congregate in large numbers and carry on Rama Bhajan unceasingly and uninterruptedly for a continuous period of seven days and seven nights. Devotees make it a point to carry on the bhajan without break for even a moment by dividing themselves into groups and partaking by turns. Repetition of Rama Nama goes on in chorus at the pitch of the voice of the devotees. “Raghpathi Raghava Raja Ram Pathitha Pavana  Seetha Ram” or “Sri Rama Jaya Rama Jaya Jaya Rama” is the strain in which the bhajan goes on. Devotees sometimes are driven to ecstasy and they dance in that mood involuntarily. “Annadana” or free feeding is necessarily a concomitant feature attending the event everyday. The wherewithal for the performance of the sapthaha is procured by Bhiksha. To add to the device of the conduct of these Rama Sapthahas, Guruji undertook performance of Yagas or Yagnas as ordained by scriptures.  Vedic scholars from all over the country used to be invited to officiate at these spectacular events and they were richly rewarded too by Guru Maharaj. Propagation of the nobility and supremacy of the scriptures and their injunctions was a pious obligation which is pernicious for all the evils. The unfailing means of securing the pecuniary requirements was again the process of Bhiksha which always produced tremendous results like a wish-fulfilling cow, Kamadhenu. People in multitudes got attracted by the rituals of these yagnas which enhanced their faith in Sanathana Dharma. Guruji sponsored various types of Yagnas which in general are never even attempted by others for the reason that they entail invariably great trouble and unlimited expense. Some of them are of a rare and prodigious nature like Nikumbara Yaga, Gaja Lakshmi Yaga, Rudraksha Yaga, Satha Chandi Yaga, Sahasra Chandi Yaga, Rajasooya Yaga, Ashwamedha Yaga, Satha koti Rama Nama Yaga, Rama Darbar etc.

I however feel it obligatory on my part to just refer to a few of the extraordinary events.

Gaja Lakshmi Yaga was performed in the Bhagyanagar Ashram premises for securing peace and prosperity for the humanity and for promoting successfully the cause of his mission on the anvil. On TVS Sastry of Peravali was the chief among the sishyas who actively partook the Havana program. The Yaga lasted for twenty one days and the Sastriji sustained himself during the entire period only on milk and fruit. The elephant over which the Goddess Maha Lakshmi was seated was made of cement at a huge cost in that connection and it is to be found with all grandeur in the premises of the ashram even now. During the Yaga, devotees found clear symptoms of life in the elephant and were amazed. A few veterinary doctors also endorsed this sentiment as very much true.

Another Yagna called ‘Hanuman Yagna’ was also carried on in the premises of the said Ashram. It was intended to perpetuate and diffuse the glory of Rama in Bharatha Varsha. The thread marriages of five of the eight sons of Sastriji and of several others were performed at one time during that Yagna as ordained by Guruji.

Rudraksha Yaga was intended to invoke the grace of the Lord Parama Shiva for achieving Loka Kalyan. Several packages of the rare quality of Rudraksa beads were collected from Nepal for the purpose and offered to the Fire God.

Rajasooya Yaga which was performed in 1969 for twenty one days had for its object the effacement of the evil forces and restoration of tranquility in Andhra, Telangana regions and great many Vedic scholars had opportunity to officiate in its performance. It is a rare Yaga never before performed in recent timed by others.

Sathakoti Rama Nama Maha Yagna was a historic event in which thousands of people participated. Hundreds of Yagna Kundas were constructed at that time which were name after the celebrated personages in Ramayana like Lakshmana, Bharatha, Satrughna, Guha, Sugreeva, Vibheeshana, Jatayu, Angada, Hanuman etc. the Yagna covered over a period of one year.

Ashwamedha Yagna undertaken by Guruji is a rarity in kali Yuga. Even in antiquity only emperors of a very high rank could attempt performance of this Yagna and not others. Thers is neither a king nor an emperor in the present set up of the political pattern. Democracy is the form of the Government that we have adopted by constitution and so the Yagna has to be performed only by the people and on behalf of the people at large. Undoubtedly it entails very huge expense and tremendous effort but nonetheless Guruji decided to perform the same, come what may. He accredited Rama with all the doership in this behalf and tied ‘Kankana’(bracelet) to the forearm of the Rama’s idol in the temple in proof
Kamadhenu, Lakshmi Narasimha, Varaha Narasimha etc. he also showed great inclination to renovate the ancient temples which into ruins and restore their glory of the past. Guru Maharaj is the only person who has a clear cognizance of all his disciples wherever they are fixed up and whatever their attainments be.


‘Yana’ is a Shiva Kshetra amid mountains in the state of Karnataka. It is a place of incomparable beauty of Nature. Gurudev performed one great Rama Saptaha in that place. Having intended to perform the Saptaha, Maharaj visited Sirsi,  a town ship about thirty miles from Yana where one devotee of Datta Sampradaya namely Krishna Joshi was living. Krishna Joshi had a son by name Ram Krishna Joshi. The latter and his wife Sundaramma were blessed with two daughters-Padmavathamma and Paravathamma. These two daughters were twins. They having attained marriageable age, the grand father was greatly worried over securing suitable matches for them. When once in this context Krishna Joshi had visited Gangapur, Lord Dattatreya appeared in his dream and bade him to seek the blessings of Sir Samartha   Maharaj for fulfillment of his desire. It was a strange coincidence that at or about the same time Krishna Joshi also received a direction by means of a letter from Gajanan Maharaj that his elder grand daughter should be given to his younger brother i.e., Guruji in wedlock. To the utter surprise of Krishna Joshi, Maharaj during his sojourns came to his house in Sirsi within exactly one week from the day when he left Gangapur. Krishna Joshi immediately realized that Guruji’s visit was of great significance. He prostrated at his lotus feet and unfolded his mind. It may be recalled here that Gajanan Maharaj had previously directed Guruji also personally to take to Gruhasthashram for more reasons than one. Without directly revealing his mind to accept one of the twins as his Dharma Patni, Guruji informed Joshi that Rama would definitely indicate suitable matches for his grand daughters after the performance of Ram Saptaha at Yana which hi intended. 

Nothing on earth can defeat the snakalpa of a great personality like Guruji. The Ram Saptaha became a grand success. On one day during saptaha, a ferocious tiger rushed to the Yagna shala. Everybody who was present was greatly frightened. Guruji patted on its back and collected its milk which was utilized for the abhisheka of Lord Shiva Krishna Joshi too was one of the bhaktas who contributed largely for the success of the Saptaha.

After the Saptaha was over, Guru Maharaj came back to Sirsi and offered to marry Padmavathamma, one of the above said twins Krishna Joshi was overwhelmed with joy at this surprising announcement. With due pomp and glory the marriage were celebrated without further hesitation in Bana Shankari temple in 1940. Guruji thus became a grihastha in deference to the command of Lord Dattatreya which was in accord with the direction of the Avadhoot Gajanan Maharaj, his elder brother. The import of the union of Padmavathamma with Guruji is really incomprehensible. It was a symbolic representation of “Ardha Nari Nateswara thatwa”. Suffice to say that it yielded tremendous results in the advancement of Guruji’s mission viz.

Mathaji was indeed the personification of kindness. Every visitor found his mother in her. She personally cooked food and served the ashramites and the visitors. There was no time which could be said to be odd for such service to be rendered by her. On important occasions or functions during which there used to be large gathering of visitors the services of other cooks were also indented although the supervisory work was always taken over by Mathaji. Every person that came to the Ashram or any place where Guruji was camping was fed to his or her heart’s content. ‘Annadan’ was a necessary and predominant feature of the Guruji’s ashrams. The initiative which Mathaji was taking to carry on this laudable karyakrama richly deserves great applause.

Mathaji was very much fond of cows. She reared them with great love and affection. She would never fail on any day to offer worship to the cows and give ‘harathi’. She would not touch food until and unless she made sure that all the cattle in the ashram were satisfactorily fed. The cows and the calves are named by her after the goddesses: Sita, Lakshmi, Parvathi, Gouri, Saraswathi, Indra, Ganga, Godavari etc. and as she calls them by those names, they flock to her as babies to a mother and lick her hands. As they are fondled and caressed by her they shed tears of joy.


To extol Guruji in a befitting manner, it is an absolute impossibility. He is an Avathar Purusha, the reincarnation of Sri Kalyana Swamy Maharaj. He came to earth with a defined purpose and was equipped with all the attributes warranted for the purpose. He had a scheme of his own to achieve the purpose. The intricacies of the scheme were incomprehensible for anybody in the world. In the words of the deceased Sri V.Sankara Rao, one of the great sishyas of the Guruji, he is “All knowing, All powerful and All Merciful”.

Guruji’s face was remarkably bright. His eyes were always resplendent with divine luster. His pleasing smiles enchanted the devotees while their hair stood at its ends when he spoke to them lovingly. He was of light red colour in complexion and a tall figure. His characteristic nose added splendour to his brilliant face. If he sat in ‘Siddhasana’ one was prone to recall Parama Shiva to mind. A word given utterance to by him went like an arrow with impetus from Rama’s sheath to cleanse the evil from people’s hearts.

One person once deliberately kept a capricious question referring to the Rama’s idol installed in the temple “Swamiji! Why is Rama standing in a characteristic and assumptions style with one leg bent forward and holding the bow in an ostentatious manner in his arm Does he mean to exhibit self esteem” Guruji spontaneously retarded “We know very little of the world we are living in. We are blissfully ignorant not only of the past and the future but even about the present. Our competence and capacity are nil by and large for all purposes. Still we adopt an air of supremacy and stand in an affected pose of assumed dignity, enviable for others. Don’t you now find justification on the part of Rama who is all-knowing and all-powerful to have unwittingly stood in the posture in which you find him in the image”? The person who posed the question was nonplussed and flabbergasted by this biting rebuff aimed at him by Guruji.

He was clad in simple dress. A ‘dhoti’ and a ‘banian’ were all his attire. This dress was supplemented by an upper cloth when he went out. During winter season he used to cover his head with a monkey cap. He never used sandals; walked always barefoot. He exemplified his appeal to the people by his own way of life. Surrender to Rama in mind, word and deed was the key note of his gospel.


Guru Maharaj is the reincarnation of Sri Kalyana Swamy as oft narrated. Sri Kalyana Swamy had laid down his mortal coil on Ashadha Suddha Trayodasi day succeeding the Maha Niryana of his Guru Sri Sri Sri Sadguru Ramadasa Swamy befalling on Magha Bahula Navami day in the year 1681. It would appear that our Guru Maharaj was also planning to end his Avathar on the same thithi on which Sri Kalyana Swamy breathed his last. This fact was kept a guarded secret by Guruji. By 1988 he was 88 years old as per the estimate of the disciples close to him, although no on could exactly gauge his age. He started voluntarily inviting the process of suffering of the several sins of his devotees which he had taken up on himself earlier by providing relief to them as a mark of benevolence. In the opinion of the medical experts however. Guruji was ailing form cancer. It is with this dreadful disease that Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa and certain other saints also suffered towards the end of their life tenure because of the same benevolence which they also had extended. Notwithstanding the physical disability owing to cancer, Maharaj decided to carry on Sathakoti Rama Nama Maha Yagna in Harihar Asharam which was of the rarest order ever undertaken by anybody in the world. This blissful event went on for forty days and very many persons had opportunity to partake the same and receive blessings. The pivotal point of termination of this Maha Yagna synchronized with Sri Rama Darbar which was got up as a great feast for the eyes. Guru Maharaj cared little for his ailment, having surrendered the body for suffering the disease. The disciples got Guru Maharaj admitted in Kidwai Cancer hospital at Bangalore for treatment. After discharge there from he was once again admitted to Hatti Nursing Home at Harihar itself. During the few days he was in that nursing home, he was observing strict Mouna Vratha. At last, he indicated by gestures that he should be removed to the Ramalaya premises in the Ashram. This direction was forthwith complied with. Guru Maharaj voluntarily left his mortal coil at the dawn of the following day. Lo! It was significantly Ashadha Sudha Trayodasi day, the day on which Sri Kalyana Swamy attained Rama ikya. According to the English calendar the day corresponds to the 5th July, 1990. This strange coincidence also bears eloquent testimony to the fact that our Guruji is the reincarnation of Sri Kalyana Swamy as mentioned in the prelude.

Devotees and disciples poured in from different quarters across the country in thousand s as soon as this bitter news was hurriedly spread out and everybody was drowned in the ocean of grief. According to Vedic rituals the body was confined to the bowels of the holy earth in front of the Bilwa tree appurtenant to the Ashram where later a befitting Samadhi Structure and a contiguous mandir were constructed.

People gather in multitudes during the Aradhana celebrations which are conducted every year with pomp for over a week and offer worship. Taraka Nama Yagna in which Guruji was taking great delights is invariably being arranged in tha connection. Annadana is done on a very large scale. The entire premises of the ashram reverberate with Rama Dhun. Guruji’s idol (Pancha Loha Vigraha) is taken in palanquin in procession through the streets of Harihar town starting from the famous temple of Hariharewara. The tempo and the grandeur of this scene needs be better visualized than described. Sri Prabhu Dutt Maharaj, the twelfth Peetadhipathi in the Samartha Sampradaya takes keen interest in all these activities.

Even today guru Maharaj is kindly responding to the prayers of his devotees from the Samadhi and fulfilling their pious wishes.


Reminiscences relating to Guru Maharaja are innumerable and of varied types. They consist of his memorable teachings and sayings delivered at different points of time and in several contexts, incidents reflecting his personality and innate capacities, occult powers of supernatural character possessed by him and the methods of moulding of the disciples as models of the mankind etc.

Mallavva is one lady who renounced the family and had chosen to end her life is at the feet of Guru Maharaj. In spite of her old age she was sweeping the entire premises of the Ashram including the temples every day and keeping the whole environment clean and tidy. She was washing the clothes of the guruji and mathaji and looking after the comforts of the visitors of the Ashram to the best of her ability. She had made a small hut for her shelter and was taking rest init in the Ashram premises. She used to take food given by Mathaji as Guru Prasad and sustain herself. One strange feature over which everybody was wondering is that whenever she made an attempt to touch his holy feet in reverence, Guruji was denying opportunity. Such denial occurred only in her case and never in the case of others at any time. Sometimes when Guruji was otherwise busy, she would surruptiously make a trail but Guruji who was always on guard would briskly fold his legs or react suitably and definitely disappoint the old lady. After very many years of ambush, Guruji on one day called her kindly by his side and offered his feet for salutation. Her joy was beyond description. It took not much time thereafter for Mallava to lay down her mortal coil and attain salvation. The devotees then realized the mystery in the persistent frustration apparently caused by Guruji in the mind of the old lady whom he used to call “Sabari” with affection. The time ripened and the Master granted liberation!

Guruji once took some of us in a motor van from kadapa to Sandi Kshetra near Vempalle situate on the banks of the holy river Papaghni. Lord Anjaneya is the presiding Diety at that holy place. The saying goes that Rama while in exile halted for a while in that place and carved the picture of Hanuman on a big stone with the sharp end of his arrow and that it is that statue which was later enshrined in the temple in that Kshetra. Immediately after we reached the premises Guruji led us to the temple in the first instance. As soon as he entered the Sanctum Sanctorum, the garlands decorated on the shoulders of the statue started swinging swiftly and vertically as well as horizontally and on all sides helter-skelter. It was such a rare phenomenon to witness that all of us were thoroughly wonder struck. There was absolutely no possibility of even a stray breeze blowing inside the packed Sanctum; it was thorough summer season as well. This process of oscillation of garlands lasted more than five minutes and we could not really account for it until Guru Maharaj himself was pleased to make it clear that Hanuman was dancing in ecstacy. Evidently Maruti was overwhelmed with joy when Guru Maharaj who was Bharatha re-incarnate appeared before him. On no other hypothesis, could this miracle be possibly explained also. We felt we were the most fortunate to have gained a thrilling and memorable experience on that day. After offering worship and receiving prasadam, we resumed the journey back to Kadapa.

  1. If the entire expanse of the earth is of seven crores of units, the identified area is only twenty one thousand units.
  2. People judge the saints according to their own standards.
  3. A man can be considered to be a devotee of God when his loving attention to God remains unmoved even if difficulties invade him in battalions.
  4. Anxiety implies lack of faith in God.
  5. Mundane desires and the pleasures derived there from are germane to the attachments accrued from past births.
  6. The words and the actions of a Satpurusha always have a broad meaning and scope. They are interpreted by various people in various good or bad ways. The real meaning of his words and actions is known only to himself or to those who have reached his level.
  7. Sathakoti Rama Nama Mahayagna is the rarest of the rare yagnas performed on earth. Maharshi Valmiki conducted this yagna for the first time and it is being now performed again afterwards (referring to the one which was undertaken by Guruji).
  8. If one character or letter of the alphabet in Rama Nama is articulated once, it releases crore-fold energy.
  9. The legendary ‘Chit rakoota’ comenprises of the area extending upto Jhansi in Madhya Pradesh, ‘Naimisharanya’ is the area between Jhansi and Lucknow
  10. The body consists of six parts. Four parts out of the six constitute water and the other two parts are made up of ‘mala’ i.e. foul matter. One’s health is affected if there is imbalance of this ratio even to the slightest extent.
  11. Adi Shankarachaya installed the idols of Sri Seethe Rama Lakshamana in Sri Rama Janmabhoomi.
  12. Jagadguru Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi is a ‘Karma Yogi’ (Guruji is Gnana Yogi).
  13. After recovering from ailment (evidently referring to cancer), Guruji said he put on new skin and new blood and his ears got reduced in size.
  14. There is nectar in the head of the fly.
  15. There is no limit for desires. They are never ending. They pollute the life. We should therefore Endeavour for self realization.
  16. Harihar, vontimitta, Panchavati, Chitrakoota and Ayodhya are the fie places to be compendiously referred to as Ayodhya.
  17. Kaikeyi persisted her desire to send Rama to exile because she was influenced by the sage Viswamithra.
  18. ‘Mathsya Thanthra’ is a sacred place where Lord Maha Vishnu assumed Mathsya Avathara. It is near to Manasa Sarovar. Saints who are rid of ‘Deha Bhava’ (body-am-I-consciousness) alone can go to Masthya Thanthra . Samartha Ramadasa Swamy, Gajanan Maharaj and Vasudevananada Saraswathi (Tembe Maharaj) visited this sacred place. Our Guruji Samartha Narayana Maharaj also stayed here for a week days.
  19. Keshava Swamy Maharaj in Samartha Panchayatna is the incarnation of Jambavantha.




  1. great sprtiual saint

  2. Diwakar.venkata@gmail.comJuly 21, 2011 at 10:39 PM

    My grandfather Late. Vidwan Sri K. Muniah from Proddatur is ardent follower of Swami Samartha Narayana Maharaj and has also established Samartha sangam in Proddatur of Kadapa district Andhra pradesh. I was named by Swamiji and was told that Diwakar swami was a disciple of Samartha Rama dasa swami.

  3. Thank you sir for posting valuable information about our guruji sri samartha sadguru narayana maharaj from so many days i am searching for guruji information i and my family are devotes of sri sadguru samartha narayana maharaj.

  4. In the case of Maharaj there is no past tense as he is still present and giving wide range of experiences. Thanks for breifing about Maharaj here. One or two experiences of mine are posted in the Spiritual which you can browse.

  5. In the case of Maharaj there is no past tense as he is still present and giving wide range of experiences. Thanks for breifing about Maharaj here. One or two experiences of mine are posted in the Spiritual which you can browse.


